Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pre-season sale!

Wildlife Art Canada Billy-Jack Milligan Acrylic on Masonite, Commercial art, Large pieces

Pre Show Opportunity!
Take $50 off any price

As a thank you for your ongoing support I would like to offer you a sneak Peak at this years pieces with some really great Prices with the opportunity to purchase before they go to the public. 
If you are interested in seeing this years shows I will be at Oakville Art in the Park,  Monday August the 6th
Buckhorn Fine Art Festival Aug. 17-19th
McMichaels Autumn Art Sale October 19-21st
Again, Thanks for your support of my art!

Burrowing Owl  $750
 4 ¾ x 5 ½   * Wide Frame 

Wolf and Pup $2500   

Short Eared Owl       $850
    81/2 x 12/12



Great Deal $7500 No Tax!!!
Maternal Pride

Spanish Symphony- Unavailable and on tour until 2013- But Reserve able  $1300
On tour with AFC British Columbia and advanced talks with China
8 1/8 x 16

Comox BC landscape  $1300
8 1/2x 12 1/2

 Osprey  $950 Pre Show
8 x 12


Fall Grapes  $750  

Rock Point  $1500
 8 x 18 7/8


Bev and John said...

Your work is all amazing, you have a great talent. Good luck with your future endeavours.

Marc Calvo said...

Interesting pictures,especially the spoonbills on the cipress tree,the "autumn grapes", the short-heared owl,and the lioness with her cub graped.Congratulations from Catalonia.